Creativity Ideas Leadership Success Secrets

9 Ways to Rekindle Your Creativity

We’re past the 14th week of quarantining and, frankly, a lot of us are getting a little stir crazy. Which is exactly why it’s time to let the creative genius inside of all of us (since we were kids) to rekindle your creativity.

For starters, harnessing your ingenuity will make your life more meaningful and enjoyable. Why is creativity so important and more innovation and inspiration into daily activities should have the biggest welcome mat you can find? Check these 5 points.

How Creativity Enriches Your Life

  • Experience More Joy. Creativity flourishes when you think positively. Find your passions and cultivate them. Embrace challenges with curiosity. Observe the conditions that help you get “in the zone.”

  • Improve Your Physical Health. Studies show creativity exercises are an effective way to relieve stress and boost our immune system. (Can there be a better reason?) Those who think resourcefully also cope better with aging and experience fewer declines in their cognitive functions.

  • Strengthen Your Relationships. A sense of imagination can even enhance your personal relationships. Break out of the same old conflicts by searching for common ground. Look at challenging situations from the other person’s perspective and try out a different response.

  • Perform Better at Work – Even Remotely. Collaboration is integral to the creative process. Help create a more cooperative atmosphere where colleagues complement each other’s strengths rather than compete against them.

  • Be All You Can Be. We all have some form of creative genius. Enjoy the pleasure of developing your own gifts. With persistence and an open mind, you’ll expand your skills for responding to all kinds of challenges. More skills means more marketability.

9 Techniques for Sparking Your Creativity

  1. Brainstorm. Generating ideas is usually the first step in the creative process. Put aside any judgments and just let the options flow. Now’s your chance to get zany and experimental.

  2. Incubate. Before inspiration hits, there’s usually a quiet time while we digest our ideas.
    • Help your unconscious mind along by taking a quiet walk or a relaxing shower. Routine tasks like washing dishes can also trigger insights. Think about a dilemma right before bed, and you may wake up with a solution. This happens to me all the time, but it’s taken a discipline and belief that it will happen for it to happen.

  3. Take Action. Make a plan for how to implement your ideas. Regard every attempt as a learning experience even if the immediate results fail to pan out. Remember, successful people succeed because they take more risks.

  4. Lighten Up. Free up your fertile mind.
    • Some gentle aerobics and stretches will relax your body.
    • Meditation or soft music can dispel anxieties or boredom.
    • Humor is a very powerful tool for lowering inhibitions and seeing things more vividly.

  5. Change Your Routine. Any adjustment to your usual way of doing things can help you take a fresh look at life. Take an alternate route to work or visit a cafe on the other side of town. Expand your horizons by looking for ways to experience novelty all the time.

  6. Observe Details. On the other hand, you can re-invent the most familiar aspects of your life by viewing them from a fresh angle. Think about how your kitchen would appear to an alien from space.

  7. Ignore the Clock. Get up early so you can savor the luxury of open-ended time. Forget about deadlines for a bit. Instead, focus on the present moment instead of thinking about the next task you have scheduled. Feel what it’s like to be free from hurrying. Try to remember that sensation as you start your day.

  8. Get a Hobby. Make the most of your leisure time with creative outlets that incorporate your passions. You may delight in watercolors. Or maybe you really get a kick out of working on cars.

  9. Seek Inspiration. Surround yourself with whatever you find invigorating. Visit art museums or go camping. Spend more time playing with your kids and getting caught up in their excitement each time they see something new.

Today is the time transform your life into a Work of Art by tapping into your creative side. Once you discover and develop your passions, you’ll be on your way to feeling more accomplished and fulfilled. With that, I promise you each day will become a wonderful adventure.

Communications Ideas Leadership Success Secrets Video Conferencing

Online Public Speaking Fear: How to Overcome It & Soar

If you find yourself afraid of an upcoming online meeting where you need to speak up, you’re not alone. This is a natural tendency borne from the common fear of public speaking. In fact, the fear of public speaking is one of the top fears today, but you can still do something about it.

You hear over and over again that practice makes perfect, and this also applies to public speaking. Any sort of public speaking – even when you speak out in your group of friends online or in Zoom meetings – can ease you into the unexpected public speaking role.

Here are some actions you can take to reduce any fear of public speaking:

  1. Be prepared. In most public speaking situations, you can use notes. Make sure you organize your notes long before the meeting and break them down into an organized list where you highlight two or three key talking points. (That’s the secret: Just start with three key points.) If you can’t use notes, simply make it a point to practice your speech until you feel comfortable saying it in front of others. You might still have some fear, but being well prepared can definitely combat this feeling.
  1. Don’t expect perfection. It’s important not to expect that your contribution will be perfect. In fact, chances are your audience doesn’t expect perfection either. They understand that everyone makes mistakes and they, themselves, may be afraid of public speaking. You might skip over a part of your talk or stutter a little, and these are all natural human mistakes.
  1. Speak in small groups. If you’re uncomfortable speaking in front of a large group, then start small. Practice on small groups and ask for feedback afterwards. You can have a confidential feedback form, or you can just ask participants what they thought of your speech. In fact, pretend every group is a small group even if they are huge in numbers.
  1. Have a backup plan. It’s always advisable to have a backup plan in life situations; public speaking is no exception. Think about what you might want to say if you get stuck. If your mind goes blank, take a deep breath and start your backup plan. Chances are you’ll find yourself back on track before you know it.
  1. Relax. It’s important to get yourself into the right mindset before you have to speak. Consider starting a ritual that you find relaxing in order to keep your mind off of your fears. You could breathe deeply for a minute, meditate or do a crossword puzzle. Whatever it is, just choose an activity that helps you relax.

The Audience Can Be Scary

The audience is the whole reason you’re afraid to make your speech, but it helps to know that they’re not scary. Look at them as actually being on your side. Keep a positive attitude because chances are good that the audience wants you to succeed in your speech.

In the end, it’s important to remember that even if you do mess up, it’s not the end of the world. As long as you’ve prepared yourself well enough and have a backup plan in place, you’ll be able to pick yourself back up if you trip up anywhere in your speech.

After your presentation, it’s important to take notes and critique yourself on how it went. I debrief with 3 simple questions:

  1. What did I do that I liked?
  2. What did I do that I didn’t like?
  3. If I had to do it all over again, what would I do differently?

Applying the answers from those disarming questions – in that order – has helped me improve tremendously over the years. It has helped me assess situations long after the emotion of the event has passed.

Whether it’s online or in-person, as you continue to practice your public speaking skills, you’ll get better and more comfortable in time. Just go all in!

For coaching, connect at

Communications Ideas Leadership Success Secrets Video Conferencing

How to Become an Effective Listener Online

Effective communication is one of the keys to success, and when you’re good at it, people notice. During our days of Zoom/Skype meetings, it becomes an even more critical skill to master so we stay in the game.

Most people think that strengthening communication skills involves developing persuasive speech and conversational skills, but what you may not realize is just how important effective listening can be.

Without an effective listener, none of your conversational skills would matter. This is because your points – no matter how clear – still wouldn’t be heard or understood.

Remember that listening is a full 50% of the communication effort so it’s worth your time to develop this precious skill, too.

Here are some techniques to build your listening skills:

  1. Fight the urge to speak. Sometimes when you’re engaged in a heated conversation, you start to concentrate on what you’re going to say next. You may even be tempted to open your mouth before the other person is finished. Make the extra effort to keep your lips sealed until they’re through talking. And learn the art of volley in online meeting conversations.
    • While they’re speaking, don’t worry about what you’re going to say or how you’re going to say it. Instead, focus on the words and body language of the other person.
  1. Look interested. Your nonverbal communication skills are important while you’re listening. If you’re looking disinterested and uncaring, the person trying to communicate with you will likely pick up on these subtle hints. Looking off-camera is obvious to everyone on the video meeting. In fact, the presenter may be flustered or less likely to share their thoughts. Makes sense, right?
    • Engage with the person talking. Make eye contact with the pinhole camera, and nod your head or smile. Let your conversation partner know that their points are coming across to you.
  1. Repeat the highlights. One way to literally tell your conversation partner that they’re effectively communicating is to simply restate their points. You can repeat key phrases in an affirming tone. You can even give them a quick summary of what they just said in your own words.
    • Avoid sharing your opinions when repeating their concepts or ideas. At this point, you simply want to communicate that you’ve completely understood their meaning.  
  1. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask your conversation partner to elaborate on what they’re saying. If you need further information, ask for it. The important thing is that you understand what they’re trying to get across.
  1. Be patient. It’s also important to maintain patience, especially when working with people who may be shy or may not have the ability to communicate very well. If you’re not patient, you may end the conversation prematurely or scare off your conversation partner.
  1. Follow your partner’s lead. Being an effective listener doesn’t mean that your only job is to listen. You can certainly add to the conversation, too. At the same time, you don’t want to overpower the conversation. Add your input when they ask for it or when they’ve finished their point.

Remember that practice makes perfect. After you’ve had an important conversation, ask yourself what you remember from the conversation. Write down the details if necessary. Did you allow the other person to do most of the talking?

When you fight the urge to dominate conversations, you’ll be able to truly hear what people have to say!

For more tips on effective communication, email me at I have tons of more information to help you excel, impress, earn more and lead.

Creativity Ideas Success Secrets

4 Surprising Places to Find Inspiration for Innovation

In such a fast-moving world, it’s so important to stay on the cutting edge. Your creative ideas of yesteryear probably have very little impact on today’s innovative age. That said, you’ve likely realized the importance of finding inspiration for innovation.

Your inspiration may change over time, but at least finding it is a start. Some inspiring things and people may be right in front of you. But others, like the ones here, may take a little digging to find their value to your plan for innovation.

Seek inspiration in these areas:

  1. Historical figures with success stories. Much of the world as you know it today is because of contributions from historical figures. Many of them took bold steps that didn’t necessarily pay off. But their perseverance and creativity allowed them to become world-changers and global influencers.
    • Spend some time researching these world-changers. Understand their beginnings, inspirations, challenges, and turning points. You may find some similarities between you and one of them.
    • Use those similarities to drive your own inspirations. Relate what you learned to modern day nuances and you can push the envelope of innovation.

  2. Inventions before their time. You’ve likely heard the phrase, “think outside the box” before. However, this is probably the first time you’ll be applying it to your plan for innovation.
    • Some of the greatest inventors introduced concepts before the world was even ready for them. These inventions can serve as inspirations for you.
    • Are there ideas in your bedside journal that you felt were too silly to share with anyone? Remember that once your innovation is fascinating enough, it can appeal to others. It can convince them that it’s actually something they want.

  3. Nature. (My favorite) Look through your window and you’ll see nature all around you. It’s beautiful and intricate. Things that are so specially made are often great sources of inspiration.
    • Look at the colors, shapes and behaviors of nature. Whether plants, animals, or seasons, their uniqueness inspires interest from science and novices alike. Many innovations that stand out take inspiration from elements of nature.
    • Consider how they were created. You may not have all the answers, but that’s okay. What it teaches you is that complexity breeds creativity!

  4. People who are overcoming trying obstacles. Their challenges are incomparable and difficult. Yet, they continue to push through with the aim of finding clear skies at the end of the road. If you can lay your eyes on someone like that, you’ll likely get all the inspiration you need!
    • How do they keep moving forward? Are there special strategies they employ? When things seem impossible, the people who create a new path are the ones that change the face of the future.
    • What you’ll realize is that bumps in the road don’t push you one step back. If you really want the prize, those bumps can push you one step further. That drive to succeed creates a spirit of fearlessness and boldness. That’s what you need to be innovative!

These sources can provide the inspiration you need to be creative. Take a different approach. That’s a surefire way to stand out from everyone else. You can expect great results when you elevate the thought process for innovation.

If you’re interested in getting your team to be productive idea generators, let’s book a fun and productive Creative Workshop, which I’ve done for over 30 years.

Creativity Ideas Success Secrets

How to Become A Creative Genius

Discover the Creative Genius Inside of You

While it’s true that some people are born with a creative mind, it doesn’t mean that creative thinking can’t be learned and developed.

You may even believe you don’t have a creative bone in your body, but this simply is not true. If you weren’t capable of some type of creative thinking, you’d be a robot! Fact is, your creative genius is inside you. Let’s rediscover it.

Believe In Yourself

The first step toward creative thinking is the belief that you can acquire and develop the skill. The truth is that, if you continue to set up a mental roadblock and tell yourself that you can’t think creatively, you’ll never get past this first step.

When you truly believe in yourself, you also open up doors. The possibilities are endless just because you decided to give creative thinking a shot.

Develop Creativity

To foster creativity in your life, start thinking about where you want to apply your newfound creativity. It’ll help, at least at first, to have a specific goal instead of the broad goal of just “thinking” creatively overall.

You might start with discovering better solutions to common problems at work, or you might want to broaden your horizons with an artistic goal in your free time.

No matter what your goal is, try applying some of these creativity boosting tips:

  1. Spend Time Brainstorming. When looking for ideas for a project – or solutions to a challenge – write down everything that comes to mind without holding back. Don’t worry about logistics or staying organized; just let your mind go free.
  1. Free Write. Another form of brainstorming that might be worth a try is free writing: just pick up a pen and let your mind go wild on the topic of your choice. Tell yourself that you can’t pause or put the pen down; you must keep writing. You’ll be surprised at what you can unload from your brain during a free writing session!
  1. Change Surroundings. You may have noticed that your patterns of thinking change when you’re in different places. If you find that your mind is stuck, try changing your environment. Go out for some fresh air or hang out in a coffee shop. It may be just what you need in order to discover a new and exciting idea.
  1. Take Notes. Always carry some kind of note taking device with you, whether it’s paper or a mobile device. Record your ideas as they come to you, no matter where you are at the time. Creative thoughts can come and go, but if you write them down, you won’t forget them.
  1. Research Your Topics. Even though it may seem boring, you can do some research online. There, you’ll learn that knowledge is power and it’ll enable your brain to get to a place it wouldn’t normally have gone.
  1. Enjoy the Journey and always follow your love of learning. Research will always provide you with new angles of thought.

Consider Other Perspectives

While everyone comes with their own unique set of abilities and opinions, when you develop your creativity, you learn how to come up with new ideas and solve problems from different points of view.

No matter what challenge you’re faced with, spend time considering the perspective of others. While you might not share the opinion of another, see if you can figure out how or why they have that view. Think about how they feel. Developing this empathy will keep your mind open, which will always foster creativity.

When you get into the habit of using these tips often, you’ll be pleased to see outbursts of creativity!